Pixley Connect Blog
Pixley Connect, a project of the Pixley Foundation in partnership with the Great Valley Center and AT&T Foundation, is an effort to narrow the digital divide in rural California. This project brings telecommunication access, education and training to the underserved, predominantly Spanish-speaking community of Pixley, California.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Helping the Community

In English:

Durring the years Pixley Connect has helped our rural community in many aspects. Pixley Connect has been a valiable resource to this community in helping low income families, technology needs in the community, and also helping in organizing projects.

For 3 years, Pixley Connect has been a vital part of the community and continues to be to this day. With several programs overseen by Pixley Connect, there has been a quite amount of success. Such success can be seen the literacy programs that distribute computers to families that have never owned or used a computer in their life.

We hope that Pixley Connect can continue there hard work in the community.

En Espanol:

Durante los años Pixley conecta ha ayudado a nuestra comunidad rural en muchos aspectos. Pixley conecta ha sido un recurso valiable a esta comunidad en familias de ayuda del sueldo bajo, a las necesidades de la tecnología en la comunidad, y también a la ayuda en proyectos de organización.

Por 3 años, Pixley conecta ha sido una parte vital de la comunidad y continúa siendo a este día. Con varios programas supervisados por Pixley Connect, ha habido absolutamente una cantidad de éxito. Tal éxito se puede considerar los programas de la instrucción que distribuyen las computadoras a las familias que nunca han poseído o han utilizado una computadora en su vida.

Esperamos que Pixley conecte pueda continuar allí el trabajo duro en la comunidad.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pixley Connect: An Important Factor

During the recent years, Pixley Connect has had a great impact in the community that have brought up results. More of the community has become more involved with technology thus narrowing the digital divide and prospering all areas of people's lives.

The Pixley Connect Program started 3 years ago when AT&T gave a check for 600,000 dollars to upstart programs that have helped the community grow and prosper.

Friday, July 17, 2009

School is Around the Corner!

In English:

Yes students! Its back! Pixley School will be back in session on August 17th in the new school.

Grades 6-8th will be going to the new school and will have to be ready for a new change. The new Pixley Middle School will be in session with a new style and class. The Gold and Black Jaguars will be roaring as the new school year comes by. Many are excited and cannot wait to see the new experiance.

With a new school, many new opportunities are available and new doors are open to students as well as parents. Dropping off students and picking them up has never been easier for parents. Students have a better chance to participate in sports as well exceed in their academics with new classrooms.

Overall, students have better get ready for a new and exciting school year. Pencil sharpened, glue sticks ready, rulers ready for action, and a great attitude are needed for a neat and great adventure at Pixley Middle School.

So dont wait! Students get on it!!!

En Espanol:

Estudiantes! ¡La Llego! La Escuela de Pixley regresará en la sesión en el 17 de agosto en la nueva escuela.

Gradúa 6-8th estará yendo a la nueva escuela y tendrá que estar listo para un nuevo cambio. La nueva Secundaria de Pixley estará en la sesión con un nuevo estilo y clase. Los nuevos colores de Oro y Negro y la mascota de Jaguares estarán rugiendo com el nuevo año escolar por venir. Muchos estan emocionados y no pueden esperar para ver el nuevo escolar.

Con una nueva escuela, muchas nuevas oportunidades están nuevas puertas disponibles y están abiertas a estudiantes así como padres. Dejar a estudiantes y recogiendo nunca ha sido más fácil para padres. Los estudiantes tienen una mejor oportunidad de tomar parte en los deporte también exceden en su académico con nuevas aulas.

En términos generales, estudiantes tienen mejor abilidad para un nuevo año escolar emocionante. El lápiz afilado, los palos de pegamento preparados, los libros listos para accion, y una gran actitud es necesitada para la gran aventura ofrecida en la Secudaria de Pixley.

¡Así que ponte listo! ¡Estudiantes Preparansen!!!
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